How to Order a Repeat Prescription




When you have a valid Repeat Prescription Slip this give you the ability to continue to be issued with prescriptions for the medication by the Practice until the amounts the Doctor has authorised have run out.

Doctors will usually authorise for 28 days of medication, or up to 6 repeats before the patient is asked to see or speak to their doctor before further medication can be issued. 

In some circumstances 12 months will be issued. 

This message appears on our repeat prescribing slips and the prescribing clerk highlights this for the benefit of the patient.

image of pharmacist

Please note that the practice has 2 working days to process requests for repeat prescriptions. However, it is the patient's or their carers responsibilities to make sure they request their repeat medication in a timely manner and not to leave it till they have run out. 

From the 1st of June 2019, patients will only be able to request a Repeat Prescription either Online using Patient Access or The NHS App, in writing or via a nominated pharmacist. You may also email your request using our secure online form.

For patient safety and to help the practice adhere to national guidelines, the practice will not accept requests by Telephone.


Medication Queries

Please get in touch with the surgery to raise a query about your medication.

Contact us


How to Reauthorise a Repeat Prescription

When your repeat slips says reauthourise you must arrange to speak to a Doctor in telephone time or make an appointment to see a Doctor. 

You should do this when you collect your last repeat as you will be looking for a convenient time for both you and a Doctor.


Batch Prescriptions

At your doctor's discretion, it is now possible to extend your single prescription to a supply lasting six months.

When looking at your personal records on the patient access web page you may wonder why you are shown to have no repeat prescriptions when you know you have a batch prescription at the chemist. This is because batch prescriptions are not regarded as repeat prescriptions because they cannot be re-issued without the authority of your doctor.


No one other than a GP or Clinical Pharmacist can reauthorise Batch Prescriptions


Repeat Prescription by Post

All Repeat Prescription Slip requests should be posted to: 

Amherst Medical Practice
Repeat Prescriptions
21 St Botolph's Road
TN13 3AQ

Please remember to tick the Chemist of your choice or include a Stamped Addressed Envelope for the return of your Prescription.

Please remember to tick the Chemist of your choice.

Please note that it will take a minimum of 3 working days from repeat request for the medications be ready for collection from Brasted. This is dependent on medication availability and supply. 


Special Circumstances and Emergencies

During Practice opening hours requests for Emergency Prescription Services can be made to Reception.

Examples of what may be considered an Emergency are:

  • Loss of vital medication through Fire or Flood.
  • Breakage or failure of an delivery system, such as an inhaler.
  • Loss or breakage of a medication, such as dropping a supply of insulin.

Simply running out of a routine medical supply, unless this has serious implications, is not considered an Emergency.

All out of hours requests should be addressed through the Out of Hours Services.


Further Information