



Child Vaccination Schedule

This practice follows the national policy for childhood immunisation. Further information can be found on the NHS Immunisation Schedule website.


Flu Vaccinations

Updated 07.10.2021

The flu vaccination is the best protection for you and those around you which is why it is offered for free for those most at risk.

image depicting child immunisation

Amherst will have a flu vaccination reserved for you if you are over 50 or have a long term condition that makes you more vulnerable. 

If you are in one of these groups, please wait for your practice to contact you. You do not need to go elsewhere for your vaccination. The practice has commenced the flu vaccinations and we have started inviting in patients over 70 or those with underlying health conditions. The practice will continue to invite in patients eligible for a free flu vaccination as supplies allow. 

If you are a household member or a carer of a immunocompromised patient, you are eligible for the flu vaccination. Please contact your GP practice for more information or visit your local community pharmacy.

For parents/carers of two and three year olds, you should receive an invitation for your child to have the vaccination at their GP practice before the winter. If you haven’t heard by early November, contact the practice directly to make an appointment. 

For primary school-aged children and those in Year 7 at secondary school, a vaccination session will be held at school during the autumn term. Your local healthcare team will contact you via the school.


Pneumococcal Vaccination

The practice offers the pneumococcal vaccination all year round to the high risk groups and all over 65’s.  This is a one-off vaccination to protect against pneumococcal infection which commonly presents as pneumonia or meningitis.


Hepatitis B Vaccination

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for high risk groups free of charge.  For occupational risk this should be provided by your employer’s Occupational Health providers, and we are unable to offer it to our own patients as a private service.


Shingles Vaccination

A vaccination against shingles is recommended for all 70 year olds, and there is a phased catch up programme for those up to age 80.