Non-NHS Services




Medical Examinations, both NHS and Non NHS

Commercial and Insurance related Medical Examinations

Many Organisations now require a Medical Certificate for Insurance, Occupation or Work. These Non NHS Examinations will be completed by a Doctor and charged at the Practice Rate.

Please call Practice Reception to be advised what is required.

Please make it clear that this is a commercial transaction and find out what cost are involved.

You will be required to pay at the time of your visit to the Practice.


Fitness-to-fly certificates during pregnancy

Issuing fitness-to-fly certificates during pregnancy is not provided on the NHS nor by the practice.

If you require a fitness-to-fly certificate, you will need to contact a registered private health provider by searching for ‘fitness to fly certificate in pregnancy’ online.

Further information from the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists


Fees for non-NHS Clinical Services and Administration

The Practice charges for these. They can include non health related blood tests and any clinical information or assessment for commercial reasons, e.g., information required for driving licences, insurance or by an employer.

Access to medical records
Copying records for patients
Power of Attorney
Examination of POA


£90.00 (inc VAT)
£162.00 (inc VAT)

Blood tests (admin) £22.00 References: character, employment, shotgun licence £48.00 (inc VAT)
DNA sampling (1st sample)
Subsequent samples
£33.00 (inc VAT)
£13.20 (inc VAT)
Respiratory function test + report £101.50
ElectroCardioGram £75.00 School fees: insurance claim certificate £40.00
ECG report on old ECG for insurance company
For employer
£66.00 (inc VAT)
Seat Belt exemption (clinical reason)
Exam and report       
Report only



Forms (gym/diet etc.) POA 
Lighter Life form
£21.00- £47.00  (inc VAT)
£52.00 (inc VAT)
Sick note up to 7 days for employer £25.00
HIV counselling/sample
Freedom from HIV Travel certificate
£73.00 (inc VAT)
Sick note Private £16.00
Infection Freedom from certificate £36.00 (inc VAT) Solicitors – reports  (per 45 mins) £237 (inc VAT)
    Solicitors – copying notes plus
up to £50 max

Medicals and Reports


Driving exam & report


Report only

£237.00 (inc VAT)


£88.00 (inc VAT)

Sunrise – Basic Form
Form + Medical 
£35.00 (inc VAT)
£70.00 (inc VAT)
Employment exam and report (45mins) £237.00 (inc VAT) To Whom It May Concern  letters/reports £34.00/48.00 (inc VAT)
Employment report only (30mins) £144.00 (inc VAT) Sevenoaks Almshouse  £83.00 (inc VAT)
Fitness (Sport,University etc) exam and report £237.00 (inc VAT) School Medical Examination  >13 £83.00 (inc VAT)
School Medical Examination  < 13 £66.00 (inc VAT)    


Cancellation – certificate only
Exam and report
£52.00 (inc VAT)
£97.00 (inc VAT)
Fitness – certificate only
Exam and report
Fit to Fly letter 
£48.00 (inc VAT)
£237.00 (inc VAT)
£30.00 (inc VAT)
Private Prescription £13.00    

Medical Insurance Claims

Claim Form
Charge for sending directly
Copy of Referral letter £10.00


Travel Goods POA    

Fees apply from 1st January 2019 and are based on those suggested by the BMA
Fees are discretionary in all cases and may be varied on the instructions of the Doctor

Allow up to 7 working days for the paperwork to be completed. We try to complete the work within five working days, but this cannot be guaranteed.
If your Doctor is away from the Practice, the receptionist will inform you if additional time above this is required.